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I always come bearing GIFTS though. Smile. Thank you for being here!!
Click HERE for my collection of Playbook GIFTIES - okay - right now there's just ONE

yet you'll find more as I GROW within MY APP at 'SEE APP Body, Soul, Business'

(simply search your favorite APP Store to join us, my platform is 'Let's Human'

YES. YES. YES. Always say YES to "Giving and Receiving" GIFTS...

​Being happy doesn't just happen. Back in the 80's when shadow work came

about and people got the hang of looking at their

near and dear character defects. It was scary - they say - I do NOT find it scary

at all yet I'm also NOT an proponent of staying at the scene of the accident or


Please know - you are NOT allowed to look at your character defects

without a lot of attention poured onto your character assets.

They are equally important to Mind, Body, and Spirit.

Today, I personally do NOT see personal development and

understanding ourselves all the way to our inner core essence

as "shadow work" at all! You'll see - I'll share with you how to process all stuff

and things with excitement and joy. It's exciting!

Just last night on a coaching call I said,

"Can you feel me smiling for you?".

Often I can feel clients smiling!

It's such a relief to finally know "what the hey" is causing

all the disturbances in life (or business).

Isn't it exciting to know how that shit came about?

And, isn't it exciting to know that you unknowingly

volunteered to take on "that belief"?

And, isn't it exciting to know that you're headed into releasing

that OLD BULLSHIT and designing what

you actually WANT?

(Echoing on the phone was a resounding YES YES & YES!)

Today. Now. It is essential to embrace "emotional intelligence" like

never before...

Mindfulness and consciousness like never before.

It is essential to truly be happy, loving, and connected.

And, YOU can have it all via this process I share.

You'll be able to 360TAP something 10 years from now...

I just LOVE that, for YOU and for ME.

I'm really BIG on online connections...working within my community, around the nation and across the ocean. Meet me there via the icons below!

And, then pm / dm me and we'll jump on the phone...

Big Love, Theresa

Oh, and here's my personal profile on Facebook (friend me)